Home / Improving Confident Communication / Developing Assertive and Confident Communication Skills – One Day Course

Developing Assertive and Confident Communication Skills

One Day Course


Most of us communicate assertively and confidently according to circumstance. Challenging situations can include speaking up in meetings, dealing with conflict, or saying ‘yes’ when we mean ‘no’. This course introduces the tools required to build awareness of different behaviour styles and techniques for more effective, positive communication.

One-day course outline:
  • Welcome and introductions.
  • Course objectives, personal objectives.
  • Defining assertiveness.
  • Benefits of assertiveness.
  • How behaviour happens.
  • Your inner dialogue – what messages do you send yourself?
  • Effects of the inner dialogue.
  • How old patterns can revive to shape our responses.
  • Assertive rights and responsibilities.
  • Where are your blockages?
  • Recognising different types of behaviour – aggressive, passive, assertive.
  • Demonstrating assertiveness, visual, vocal, verbal.
  • Assertive techniques – Basic, Persistence, Negotiation / Empathetic.
  • Saying ‘no’ constructively and graciously.
  • Practising the techniques to improve communication in challenging situations.
  • Summary, review and questions.
  • Personal Action Plan.


Benefits of the training:
  • Improved interpersonal communication skills.
  • Awareness of how personal belief systems shape experience.
  • A more positive attitude towards self and others.
  • Enhanced ability to get your message across.
  • More effective communication in a variety of situations.
  • Increased understanding of how to build and sustain confidence.

© Candida Bowman 2019

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