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Management & Supervisory Skills

One Day Course

  • Greater understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a Supervisor.
  • Increased confidence in leading a team with different management styles.
  • Improved understanding of team dynamics.
  • Ways to draw boundaries when supervising previous colleagues.
  • Maintaining and improving levels of motivation for both the team and manager.
  • Setting clear objectives designed for success.
  • Improved ability to deliver both positive and negative feedback.
  • Structure for managing difficult conversations.
  • Ways to augment team development through coaching.
  • Knowledge of when and how to delegate.
  • Improved decision – making skills.

One-day course outline:
  • Roles and expectations of a Supervisor.
  • Leadership and Management.
  • John Adair’s Action Centred Leadership
  • Awareness of different styes of management and how to identify the most appropriate situations for each style.
  • Issues within the team – what can happen when a manager is promoted above colleagues.
  • Maintaining motivation theories – exploring three theories and the importance of motivation to productivity.
  • Setting SMART objectives.
  • Structure, format and frequency of regular feedback, feedback model.
  • Guidelines for conducting difficult conversations.
  • Coaching models for team development.
  • Stages of team development.
  • The art of delegation.
  • Decision making.
  • Summary and review.
  • Ongoing development – action planning with time scales to review developments.

Benefits of the training:
  • Appreciation of the importance of well – being for both managers and team members.
  • Increased confidence in leading a team.
  • Deeper appreciation of how and when to change management style.
  • Recognition of optimum ways to motivate and what can reduce motivation.
  • Understanding of team dynamics at various stages.
  • Confidence when delivering feedback and tackling challenging conversation.
  • A ‘toolkit’ of facilities to help strengthen individual and team performance.
  • Increased satisfaction with the management role.
  • A structure for action planning in order to create an individual programme for ongoing development.

© Candida Bowman 2022

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