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Telephone Skills for Client Relationships and Job Satisfaction

One Day Course

  • Welcome and introductions.
  • Course objectives, group objectives.
  • How we use the telephone.
  • First impressions.
  • Telephone and professional etiquette.
  • Micro-Moments of interaction that shape the relationship.
  • Communication mix.
  • Verbal – the words we use.
  • Vocal – the way we say it.
  • Visual – body language and facial expression.
  • What can the other person “see” over the telephone.
  • Communication “leaks”.
  • The primitive response.
  • Steering the conversation with effective questioning.
  • The challenges of accurate listening  – quiz.
  • Active Listening.
  • Dealing with difficult situations.
  • Positive complaint handling.
  • Summary of excellent phone management.
  • Clarifying information.
  • Summary, review and questions.
  • Personal Action Plan.

Benefits of the training:
  • Improved communication skills on the telephone.
  • Increased understanding of the client experience.
  • Enhanced awareness of the crucial role of excellent service.
  • Additional strength and confidence under pressure.
  • More job satisfaction and enjoyment.

© Candida Bowman 2005-2019

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